
The City of Caro is organized under the Council/Manager form of government. The City Council serves as the legislative body of the municipality and the City Manager is the professionally-trained executive appointed to efficiently and effectively manage day-to-day operations of the government, including the budget, employees and all other non-legislative functions of the City.

“The council-manager form of government is the fastest growing form of government in the United States today. It’s also the most prevalent — it’s used by more cities, villages, townships, and counties than any other form.It’s a system of local government that combines the strong political leadership of elected officials (the governing body) with the strong managerial experience of an appointed local government manager. The governing body is commonly known as the council — it may also be referred to as the commission or board. The council-manager form establishes a representative system where all power is concentrated in the elected council, and where the council hires a professionally trained manager to oversee the delivery of public services.”– Michigan Municipal Executives

The City Clerk performs responsible, specialized work in administering elections, maintaining official records, and carrying out other administrative projects.

The City Clerk is responsible for taking minutes at Council and committee meetings and keeping a permanent record of the proceedings. The City Clerk issues certified copies of official records, keeps a record of ordinances, resolutions and actions of the Council. The City Clerk has the power to administer oaths required by State law, city charter or ordinances and is also the custodian of the city seal, as well as many other duties. The City Clerk shall have the power to administer all oaths required by law and by the ordinances of the city and shall be the custodian of the city seal, and shall affix the same to documents required to be sealed. The City Clerk shall be the custodian of all papers, documents, and records pertaining to the city, which are not entrusted to some other city officer or department by city charter, ordinance or law. All records of the city shall be made available to the general public in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act, MCL 15.231 to 15.246. He or she shall give the proper officials ample notice of the expiration or termination of any official bonds, franchises, contracts or agreements to which the city is a part and shall notify the council of the failure of any officer or employee required to 18 take an oath of office or furnish any bond required of him or her. The  City Clerk shall be the chief election officer for the city.

The City Treasurer shall have the custody of all moneys of the city and all evidences of value or indebtedness belonging to or held in trust by the city. The city treasurer shall keep and deposit all moneys or funds in such manner and only in such places as the council may determine, and shall report the same to the city manager. The City Treasurer shall have such powers, duties and prerogatives in regard to the collection and custody of state, county, school district, city taxes and other taxing entities’ money as are provided by law for Township Treasurers. The City Treasurer shall disburse all city funds in accordance with provisions of law. The City Treasurer shall establish and maintain a general accounting plan which will conform to such uniform accounting system as may be required by law.



Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Scott Czasak City Manager 989-673-7671 ext. 5225
Tammy Ries City Treasurer 989-673-7671 ext. 5224
Rita Papp City Clerk 989-673-7671 ext. 5223
David Dienes II WWTP Superintendent 989-673-2840
Thomas Reese DPW Superintendent 989-673-2571