Caro Charter

We, the people of the City of Caro, pursuant to the authority granted by the Constitution and the laws of the State of Michigan, mindful of the ideals and labors of our forefathers, in order to secure the benefits of efficient self-goverment, and to promote the freedom, health, peace, safety and prosperity for our residents, the community and its members, do hereby ordain and establish this Charter. By this action, we secure the benefits of home rule and affirm the values of representative democracy, professional management, strong political leadership, citizen participation and regional cooperation.

Click the link below to view the entire Charter as submitted to the State of Michigan

Please check out the following links: Charter of the City of Caro

Charter Commission

Back row L to R: Clerk/Treasurer Karen Snider, Members Richard Ransford, William Bortel, Joseph Greene, Allen Jones, David Mattlin, Don Duggar, Tom Baird, Manager Don Beavers

Front row L to R: Kerwood Crutchfield, Members Debra Lipan